My first post in English

There are a small handful of Spanish-speaking users on this new community. I’m one of them.

As the title reads, this is the first post that I write in English. As I said before, I’m a native Spanish speaker. I learn English because… because of several reasons. I won’t name those reasons here, that’s for another post. The main reason is the amount of information that I’m able to access on internet; the second coul be that English is not so difficult and a very useful language.

And that’s all for now. I don’t want to write a book right now.

Have I commited a grammatical crime in these few lines of text? Let me know. I’ll be very thankful. Everyday I learn something new about English.

I have to learn lots of new words, idioms and verbs, as well as some grammatical stuff. I will be studying very hard.
